Symbol Standarisation P&ID For Industri Standard piping and instrument symbols are detailed diagrammatic documentation that provides a set of forms & standards for documenting P&IDs and PFDs, including standard shapes for instruments, valves, pumps, heat exchangers, mixers, crushers, vessels, compressors, filters, motors and other connection forms. Here are some symbols on P&ID : So, those are some of the symbols that we will often see when reading piping & instrument diagrams. May be useful.
Electronic Components
Based on Output Response to Input
Based on the output response to the input, electronic components are divided into 2, namely active components and passive components.
Passive components are components that cannot amplify and rectify electrical signals and can convert one form of energy into another.
Active components are components that can amplify and rectify electrical signals and convert energy from one form to another.
Examples of passive components are:
1. Resistor
Resistor is an electronic component that limits / inhibits electric current. Because it cannot amplify, the resistor is a passive component.
2. Capasitor
Capacitors are electronics that store electrical energy, can block DC component currents and AC currents. The working principle is almost the same as the battery except that the battery can store more electric charge and less charge. The advantage of an excess battery is that it releases the energy in it faster. In the market there are 2 types of cars that we often encounter, namely, electrolytic or elco and non-polar capacitors.
Elco capacitors have 2 poles, positive and negative, just like batteries. While the advantage of non-polar is a collection without poles.
3. Inductor
Inductors are passive components because they cannot amplify and rectify either converting one form of energy to another. For DC inductors current flows but for AC inductors it inhibits.
Examples of active components are:
4. Transistor
Transistor is a component that can amplify and rectify electrical signals and convert energy from one form to another. Transistor is an electronic component with 3 electrodes.
5. Diode
Diode is an electronic device with 2 electrodes that can be used to rectify signals or electric currents, namely rectifying AC signals to DC, so that they are active components.
6. LED
LED or light emitting diode is an active component because it can convert a form of energy (electricity) into light energy.
LED Lamp
Based on Current and Voltage Relationship
Based on the relationship between current and voltage, electronic components are divided into 2, namely linear components and non-linear components
Linear component is the relationship between current (I) and voltage (V) on the component is linear, then the current is directly proportional to the voltage.
An example of a linear component is a resistor.
Linear Graph
The non-linear component is the relationship between the current (I) and the voltage (V) on the component that is non-linear.
An example of a non-linear component is a diode.
Non-Linear Graph
Now for an example of the installation or circuit of each electronic component that we discussed earlier, we will discuss it in the next post. If something is missing or you want to add something from this post, please comment below.
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