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Symbol Standart P&ID

    Symbol Standarisation P&ID For Industri Standard piping and instrument symbols are detailed diagrammatic documentation that provides a set of forms & standards for documenting P&IDs and PFDs, including standard shapes for instruments, valves, pumps, heat exchangers, mixers, crushers, vessels, compressors, filters, motors and other connection forms. Here are some symbols on P&ID : So, those are some of the symbols that we will often see when reading piping & instrument diagrams. May be useful.



In the previous post we have discussed a little about amperage. We already know that the ampere is a unit of electric current, the ampere is the number of units of electrons that flow to a point per second.

1A = 1 Coulomb of electric charge on electrons flowing per second
Coulomb = Unit of electric charge

In this post we will discuss a little about voltage or voltage, or often called voltage. By definition, the electric voltage is the energy/electrical potential difference between two points and is expressed in volts (V).

Volt (V) = unit of difference in electric voltage
Previously we discussed a little about the energy charge. Energy is measured in Joules (J).

J  = V x C
V = J / C

Des : J = Energy unit
        V = Voltage
        C = Coulomb

We analogize with bows, arrows & archers, if the archer pulls the bow with a force of 10 Joules (J), then the bow has 10 Joules of potential energy as long as the archer holds the bowstring and does not let go. If the arrow has a charge of 1 Coulomb, then the voltage is:v

V = J / C
    = 10 J / 1 V
    = 10 Volt

So the tension in the string is 10 volts. If there are 7 arrows each with a charge of 1 coulomb and each arrow is drawn with 5 J, there is a total of 35 J of energy,

V = J / C
    = 35 J / 7 V
    = 5 Volt

If the archer shoots 1 arrow, then there are 6 arrows left for a total of 6 coulombs and 30 J of energy, so,

V = J / C
    = 30 J / 6 V
    = 5 Volt

Now let's make another analogy with a sand truck, where the battery is a storehouse of sand or energy and the truck is the electrons that carry the sand to the LED light (load). The truck takes the sand load from the battery, after that the sand loaded truck goes to the LED and after arriving at the truck lights release the energy and the LED converts it into heat & light energy. After all the sand load in the truck is released the truck returns to the battery to pick up sand, if the sand/energy in the battery runs out then there is no more energy to be transported by the truck and the truck will stop moving and the LED lights will turn off. If there are 2 lamps installed in series, then the sand charge will be divided equally to each LED lamp, 1/2 in the 1st lamp & another 1/2 in the 2nd lamp. If 2 lamps are installed in parallel, the charge distribution remains as 1 lamps, so the load in the truck will be unloaded at each lamp.

In Indonesia, the voltage from PLN for home distribution uses an AC voltage of 220V and a frequency of 50 Hz, this is AC current or alternate current. To convert it to DC current or direct current we need a rectifier diode and to increase or decrease the voltage we need a transformer or transformer.

OK, so that was a brief introduction to voltage and volts, where:

Voltage : Energy/electrical potential difference between two points
Volt: Unit of difference in electric voltage

The name or term Volt is taken from an Italian scientist named Alessandro Volta, while the Coulomb unit is taken from the name of a French scientist named Charles-Augustin de Coulomb and the Joule unit is taken from the name of an English scientist named James Prescott Joule.

Thus a brief discussion about Voltage which is calculated in Volts (V), as usual, if there is still something not right, please help with corrections by commenting below.


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