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Showing posts from May, 2022

Symbol Standart P&ID

    Symbol Standarisation P&ID For Industri Standard piping and instrument symbols are detailed diagrammatic documentation that provides a set of forms & standards for documenting P&IDs and PFDs, including standard shapes for instruments, valves, pumps, heat exchangers, mixers, crushers, vessels, compressors, filters, motors and other connection forms. Here are some symbols on P&ID : So, those are some of the symbols that we will often see when reading piping & instrument diagrams. May be useful.

Why Humans Can Get Electrocuted

What are the causes and how does the human body feel when electrocuted? In previous posts we have discussed a lot about electricity, but have we ever thought what would happen if the human body was electrocuted and what causes the human body to be electrocuted? Many conclude that our bodies contain a lot of water so that our bodies can be good conductors of electricity and where our bodies hit the electrical wires when our feet touch the ground we will be electrocuted or electrocuted. But actually this is a somewhat wrong opinion, when our feet are not on the ground, we can still be electrocuted if we come into contact with a power source. So what causes our bodies to be electrocuted? Another opinion states that the human body contains neutral voltage electricity, for example when we connect an electrically charged cable or phase with a neutrally charged cable, a short circuit will occur. Similar to the human body, a neutrally charged human body when in contact with a power source will...

How Turbo Works

Turbo Before starting to discuss how the turbo works, it's a good idea to first learn how the engine or combustion engine works. I have discussed the discussion about the combustion engine in the previous post, so it's a good idea to learn a little about the combustion engine first. You can see a discussion about the combustion engine at the following link : Motor fuel requires gasoline or fuel, oxygen and also heat or lighters to burn, the more gasoline that is burned, the bigger the explosion that is produced and the greater the energy released. But to burn a lot of gasoline we also need a lot of oxygen, we automatically need a lot of air, otherwise the gasoline that enters the combustion chamber will not burn perfectly. The solution is to increase the size of the engine, so that more air will enter, but the larger the size of the engine, the heavier the engine will be and of course it will take up a lot of ...

Basic Electronic Formulas

Basic Electronic Formulas Calculating Electric Power Here are some formulas that we can use to calculate electrical power: P = V x I .............................................................................................(1) P = I²  x R ...........................................................................................(2) P = V² /  R ...........................................................................................(3) Des : P = Power (watt) I  = Current (A) R =  Resistent (Ohm) V = Voltage (V) Formula number 1 can be used to find power if the voltage and current are known. We can use formula number 2 to find power with known resistance and current. We can use formula number 3 to find power if we know the voltage and resistance. Problem example1 : The above is an example of a series circuit, calculate the total power? Answer :  Is known : R1 = 1 ohm R2 = 3 ohm R total = R1 + R2 = 1 ohm + 3 ohm = 4 ohm V = 6 V Asked : P = ... ? Answer : P...

Pascal's Law

Pascal's Law What is Pascal's law? Pascal's law states that the pressure exerted on an enclosed space is equal in all directions. One of Pascal's laws is a hydraulic jack. Hydraulic jack The hydraulic jack has 2 sections, 1 large section and 1 small section, the small section is called the large section of the output section. These hydraulic jacks are filled with a liquid, usually oil. If we apply a force on a small surface cross section or input then the liquid will get pressure with the formula: P1 = F1/A1 Des : P = Pressure (N/m² )          F = Power style (N)          A = Cross-sectional area (m²) Then the pressure will be facing in all directions, to the wall and to the large section or output section. If the force from surface 1 is continued to surface 2 then the pressure will cause a force on surface 2, namely: P2 = F2 / A2 Des : P = Pressure (N/m²  )          F = Power style (N)      ...

Basic Concept of Fuel Motor

Have we ever thought about how the fuel is converted into power?, Actually the engine does not necessarily convert fuel or chemical energy into energy or kinetic energy directly, but the engine converts chemical energy in the fuel into heat energy through combustion first and then converted into kinetic energy or motion. Generally, the engine in today's vehicles uses an internal combustion engine or internal combustion engine. Before getting to know more about internal combustion engines, let's first learn about combustion engines. Fuel Motor Motor combustion is a mechanism / construction that converts heat energy from combustion into motion (kinetic) energy. Broadly speaking, the combustion engine is divided into 2, namely internal combustion engines and external combustion engines. The types of internal combustion engines or internal combustion engines are: Piston engine (2 & 4 stroke) Wankle machine or rotary machine Jet engines, etc The types of external combustion engi...

Valve Types And Types

Valve valve is a device used to regulate, direct or control the flow of fluid in the channel. The fluids in question include gases, liquids, etc.). Sensiri channels in question include pipes, ducting, etc. Valve Function Valve functions to stop the flow, reduce the amount of flow, direct the flow, regulate the flow, remove the pressure. Valve Parts In general, the parts of a valve are the same, but the difference is the construction in it and the standards used. Valve Parts (Ball Valve) Valve Types 1. Gate Valve 2. Globe Valve 3. Ball Valve 4. Plug Valve 5. Diaphragm Valve 6. Butterfly Valve 7. Neddle Valve 8. Check Valve 9. Safety Valve Maybe that was a brief explanation about the valve, maybe there is still a lot that needs to be discussed for this post, but we will discuss details in the next post.

AC Current And DC Current

Knowing AC Current & DC Current 1. AC Current AC current or alternating current is an alternating current in which electrons move back and forth (not in the same direction). If we visualize then the electron will move forward to a point and then return to the previous point after that it moves backwards and returns to its starting point. AC current voltage for home and industry has 2 types of voltage, 1 phase & 3 phase. 1 phase voltage has 1 phase flow and 1 neutral flow, while 3 phase voltage has 3 phase flows (R, S, T) and 1 neutral, neutral flow. AC Current AC current forms a sine wave where the voltage or current moves to its peak and then drops down to the negative area and then back again, because the electrons move back and forth then there is a time when the electrons are at the 0 volt point. If in the example with a light bulb, the voltage will rise to its peak and the bulb will light up to a maximum then the voltage will drop to a point of 0 volts and the lamp will tu...

Electronic Components

Electronic Components Based on Output Response to Input Based on the output response to the input, electronic components are divided into 2, namely active components and passive components. Passive components are components that cannot amplify and rectify electrical signals and can convert one form of energy into another. Active components are components that can amplify and rectify electrical signals and convert energy from one form to another. Examples of passive components are: 1. Resistor Resistor is an electronic component that limits / inhibits electric current. Because it cannot amplify, the resistor is a passive component. Resistor 2. Capasitor Capacitors are electronics that store electrical energy, can block DC component currents and AC currents. The working principle is almost the same as the battery except that the battery can store more electric charge and less charge. The advantage of an excess battery is that it releases the energy in it faster. In the market there are 2...